News November 2024
BIM: Display of journal entries in the model Controls & inspections: Extension for tasks and journal entries Inserting images from the media library Extension of the protocol check Meetings: Creation of several follow-up appoinSome readersNews September 2024
Multilingualism Integration of external content Highlighting navigation entries Tip: Seamless editing of documents Multilingualism buildagil is now available in German, English, French and Italian. The language can be customized in the personal settings. You caFew readersNews July 2024
Extension of the approval of minutes of meetings Extensions for meetings Extension of the BIM filter Project-specific telephone number Optimization of news articles Extension of the approval of minutes of meetings Direct granting of approval The approval process for the meeting minutesFew readersNews May 2024
Extensions model viewer / BIM Extended file information OneDrive optimization & support for Mac Extension of gesture control for the mobile app Extensions model viewer / BIM The model viewer has been expanded to include the following functionalities: Display of model tasks in the model All model tasks of the loadedSome readersNews March 2024
Enhancements Message Center Deactivate reminders Templates for topics, information and decisions Simply adjust due dates Clearly structured visibility / authorization check Optimization of visibility in the folder structure ExtenFew readersNews January 2024
Project export Approval process with signatures for controls & inspections Scheduling of controls & inspections Display visibility / authorizations of persons Copying contact lists Extensions model viewer / BIM Copying model combinationsFew readers
News October 2023
Copy / Paste Person field for controls & inspections Conversations for documents Desktop app for macOS Copy / Paste Elements can always be copied on buildagil, as in Windows Explorer, with Right-click -Copy or the key combination Crtl + C. The data is copied to the clipboard and can then be pasted to the target location with Ctrl + V.Few readersNews August 2023
Extensions model viewer / BIM Data analysis with Power BI Extensions model viewer / BIM Coloring of elements Elements can be colored as desired. Models/submodels, objects, classes or individual elements can be selected and assigned the desired color. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/d29f517da5Few readersNews June 2023
Controls & inspections Extensions model viewer / BIM Cross-project templates / company templates Tabs in the desktop app Tips & tricks: Drag & drop in favorites folder Controls & inspections Controls and inspections offer the possibility of preparing a structured building inspection aFew readersNews April 2023
Model-based coordination with virtual reality Checking and evaluating models with Solibri Version check with QR code for plotting and shipping Copy link to multiple documents Printing contact / address lists Responsibility for topics / discussions (3Few readersNews February 2023
Push notifications for desktop app QR codes for documents and model views Optimization of the model viewer Optimization of navigation in the mobile app BuildingSMART openCDE API (BCF API & Documents API) Export of contact lists (3-export-of-contact-lisSome readers
News December 2022
Open folders and documents locally Links in the folder structure Optimizations and enhancements model viewer New integrations for PDF programs Open folders and documents locally Open folder in OneDrive: With the role Open in OneDrive a desired folder can be opened directly from buildagil via OneDrive in ExplorFew readersNews October 2022
Measuring and filtering in PDFs Extended date filter in documents and lists Task / session navigation on the home page Project entry via favorites Tips and tricks: Filter documents without structure Measuring and filtering in PDFs Measure distances and areas The measuringFew readersNews August 2022
Version check for printed PDF documents Tablet mode Optimized window navigation More compact navigation Tips and tricks: Favorites Version check for printed PDF documents PDF documents can now be provided with a QR code. This QR code shows whether the printed plan or document is up-to-date when it is read in. The version cFew readersNews June 2022
Task templates Calls via Microsoft Teams Email display in mobile app Extended folder designation Optimizations and enhancements model viewer Foxit as PDF editor Task templates New templates can be created for tasks, test tasks and model tasks. By selecting a template, all of the template's coFew readersNews April 2022
Local PDF editing The new option is to open and edit PDF documents with the local PDF app. The Apps Adobe Acrobat, PDF-XChange and Bluebeam can now be used for editing. Edits made to the document in the local app are automatically synchronized with buildagil when the document is saved. This Article describes how to use the PDF app with buildagil. Create business cards from contacts When a contact is opened in buildaFew readersNews February 2022
Extension of gesture control in the mobile app Additional gestures have been added to the controls in the buildagil mobile app, resulting in faster operation of the app. Below are some examples of gestures: You can switch between the menu items by swiping to the right or left. With a swipe to the right or left, you can also switch between information and comments in tasks, journal entries and topFew readers
News December 2021
Document inspection with inspection task If a document is assigned the status Review, a review task can be created directly. In addition to the known components of a task, this task is then given the examination procedure. Here, the review can be subdivided and these parts assigned to different people. The review task is only considered completed when everyone has completed their part of the review.Few readersNews October 2021
Extension of the model/ IFC viewer The following extensions are available in the new version of the model viewer: Saving views Creating model sections and model tasks Measure and measure Floor plan navigation Extension of the cutting function Strong increase in the performance of the viewer You can find instructions for the model viewer with all its roles in our help section: Model viewer (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/webFew readersNews August 2021
Window navigation A new feature allows you to switch between open windows quickly and easily with just one click. The window navigation can also be minimized.Few readersNews June 2021
Multi-Teams Users can now be assigned to several teams. To do this, go to the desired user via Contacts and select the corresponding teams. The user is now listed under both teams. Project-specific menu navigation Extend the project-specific menu navigation as required via the project settings. For exaFew readersNews April 2021
Home page concept There is now only one superordinate project start page with all important information from all projects. Menu navigation (superordinate) Projects and favorites Current tasks Current appointments News articles Personal progress The home page can also be customized. Click on Help to open the support live chat or to go to the help page. Click on the buildagilFew readers