Articles on: Documents & plans
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Signing PDF documents

The following article describes how PDF documents can be signed from buildagil.

Directly to the following sections:
Signing with Skribble
Signing with PDF-XChange
Signing with Adobe Acrobat
Signing with Bluebeam
Signing with Foxit

Signing with Skribble

Signing with Scribble is only available for companies with a Pro plan. Please contact support to activate Skribble.

After activating Skribble in buildagil, PDF documents can be transferred to Skribble for signature via Sign (via Skribble).

The document is then automatically opened in Skribble, where it can be processed further. Signed documents are then written back to buildagil. This creates a copy of the document with the extension "_signed". The signed documents can also be downloaded and then uploaded back to buildagil. In this way, the existing document can be stored as a new version on buildagil.

Detailed information on using Skribble can be found in the Skribble Help Center: Skribble Help Center.

Signing with PDF-XChange

To sign a document with PDF-XChange, the connection to XChange must be established. The following article describes how to establish a connection to PDF-XChange: Connect PDF app with buildagil

Select the document to be signed and click Edit in PDF app.

The document can be signed via Sign document.
For detailed information on using PDF-XChange, please refer to the following articles: PDF editing with PDF-XChange / Help page PDF-XChange

The signed document can then be saved back to buildagil. The recommended settings for saving signed documents with X-Change can be found in the following article: Recommended settings PDF-XChange

Signing with Adobe Acrobat

To sign a document with Adobe Acrobat, the connection to Adobe must be established. The following article describes how to establish a connection to Adobe Acrobat: Connect PDF app with buildagil

Select the document to be signed and click Edit in PDF app.

The document can be signed via Add signature.
For detailed information on using Adobe Acrobat, please refer to the following articles: PDF editing with Adobe Acrobat / Help page Adobe Acrobat

The signed document can then be stored on buildagil again.

Signing with Bluebeam

To sign a document with Bluebeam, the connection to Bluebeam must be established. The following article describes how to establish a connection to Bluebeam: Connect PDF app with buildagil

Select the document to be signed and click Edit in PDF app.

The document can be signed via Sign document.
For detailed information on using Bluebeam, please refer to the following articles: PDF editing with Bluebeam / Help page Bluebeam

The signed document can then be stored on buildagil again.

Signing with Foxit

To sign a document with Foxit, the connection to Foxit must be established. The following article describes how to establish a connection to Foxit: Connect PDF app with buildagil

Select the document to be signed and click Edit in PDF app.

The document can be signed with Foxit eSign.
For detailed information on using Foxit, please refer to the following articles: PDF editing with Foxit / Help page Foxit

The signed document can then be stored on buildagil again.

Digital signature, Signature, Digital signature,

Updated on: 08/02/2025