News March 2024
Enhancements Message Center
Deactivate reminders
Templates for topics, information and decisions
Simply adjust due dates
Clearly structured visibility / authorization check
Optimization of visibility in the folder structure
Extensions model viewer / BIM
Tip: Using the middle mouse button
The message center, which represents the inbox and outbox in buildagil, has been expanded to include the following functionalities:
New views:
In addition to the previous Unread and Open views, the following views have been added for messages:
Edited: Shows all messages that have been marked as edited.
Sent: Shows all sent / outgoing messages.
All: Shows both sent and received messages.
Messages sent:
All messages that have been sent are displayed in the Sent view.
The display is currently limited to sent comments. Sent protocols, tasks and other messages are not yet included.
Mark messages as edited:
In addition to the option of marking messages as read, they can now also be marked as completed via Mark as edited. These messages are then no longer displayed directly in the inbox, but can be found under the Edited view.
Search / filter messages:
The messages can be searched and filtered using the search function.
Several keywords can be entered in the search, which are searched regardless of the written order in the search bar.
Information such as the subject, content, sender, recipient and more is searched.
In the All view, for example, all incoming and outgoing messages can be searched.
You can find detailed information on the messages and notifications in the following article: Messages & notifications
It is possible to deactivate reminders for tasks and meetings due dates. This can be helpful if the due dates of tasks are checked regularly and unnecessary notifications are to be avoided.
You can find detailed information on deactivating reminders in the following article: Settings for notifications
It is possible to create templates not only for tasks, but also for topics, information and decisions. In these templates, fields such as title, categories and description can be filled in and reused later. These predefined templates can then be selected and adopted when creating new items.
You can find detailed information on the use of templates in the following article: Task templates
To adjust the due date of tasks quickly and easily, you can click on the due date in lists as well as in the planning view and select a new due date.
List view:
The due date can be adjusted in all list views of buildaigl. This includes the personal home and project views.
Planning view:
To control which teams have access to which elements, there is a filter by visibility.
This filter is available under documents, tasks, topics and in the journal.
The filter by visibility is only available for project administrators.
If the filter is activated, only the folders, documents, tasks and topics to which the selected teams have access are displayed.
You can find detailed information on the control of authorizations and visibility in the following article: Authorizations & Visibilities
It is possible that certain teams cannot see a folder despite having permissions. This happens if the visibility is not set correctly from the top folder structure down to the target folder.
To avoid such discrepancies, a warning message is displayed in cases where the path to the target folder is not visible to a team.
You can find detailed information on visibility in the folder structure in the following article: Visibilities on the folder structure
The following enhancements and optimizations were made in the BIM and IFC models division:
Measure lines:
Lines can also be selected for measurements. This is easiest if the Snap option is active for the measurement.
This role can be very useful when measuring track axes, for example.
Optimized loading times:
The loading times for displaying and processing models have been optimized and accelerated.
Optimized navigation performance on Apple devices:
Performance when viewing, editing and navigating in the model has been optimized for macOS, IOS and iPadOS.
You can find detailed information on BIM, models and the model viewer in the following article: Open & edit models
In many situations, you want to open content but not leave the current page. With the middle mouse button, all elements in buildagil can be opened in a new tab.
In principle, every element and every view can be opened in a new tab using the middle mouse button.
In the following example, all selected elements can be opened in a new tab. The same applies to other divisions and elements of buildagil.
Another role of the middle mouse button is to close tabs. If you click on an open element in the window navigation with the middle mouse button, it is closed directly.
News January 2024
Deactivate reminders
Templates for topics, information and decisions
Simply adjust due dates
Clearly structured visibility / authorization check
Optimization of visibility in the folder structure
Extensions model viewer / BIM
Tip: Using the middle mouse button
Extensions Message Center
The message center, which represents the inbox and outbox in buildagil, has been expanded to include the following functionalities:
New views:
In addition to the previous Unread and Open views, the following views have been added for messages:
Edited: Shows all messages that have been marked as edited.
Sent: Shows all sent / outgoing messages.
All: Shows both sent and received messages.
Messages sent:
All messages that have been sent are displayed in the Sent view.
The display is currently limited to sent comments. Sent protocols, tasks and other messages are not yet included.
Mark messages as edited:
In addition to the option of marking messages as read, they can now also be marked as completed via Mark as edited. These messages are then no longer displayed directly in the inbox, but can be found under the Edited view.
Search / filter messages:
The messages can be searched and filtered using the search function.
Several keywords can be entered in the search, which are searched regardless of the written order in the search bar.
Information such as the subject, content, sender, recipient and more is searched.
In the All view, for example, all incoming and outgoing messages can be searched.
You can find detailed information on the messages and notifications in the following article: Messages & notifications
Deactivate reminders
It is possible to deactivate reminders for tasks and meetings due dates. This can be helpful if the due dates of tasks are checked regularly and unnecessary notifications are to be avoided.
You can find detailed information on deactivating reminders in the following article: Settings for notifications
Templates for topics, information and decisions
It is possible to create templates not only for tasks, but also for topics, information and decisions. In these templates, fields such as title, categories and description can be filled in and reused later. These predefined templates can then be selected and adopted when creating new items.
You can find detailed information on the use of templates in the following article: Task templates
Simply adjust due dates
To adjust the due date of tasks quickly and easily, you can click on the due date in lists as well as in the planning view and select a new due date.
List view:
The due date can be adjusted in all list views of buildaigl. This includes the personal home and project views.
Planning view:
Clearly structured visibility / authorization check
To control which teams have access to which elements, there is a filter by visibility.
This filter is available under documents, tasks, topics and in the journal.
The filter by visibility is only available for project administrators.
If the filter is activated, only the folders, documents, tasks and topics to which the selected teams have access are displayed.
You can find detailed information on the control of authorizations and visibility in the following article: Authorizations & Visibilities
Optimization of visibility in the folder structure
It is possible that certain teams cannot see a folder despite having permissions. This happens if the visibility is not set correctly from the top folder structure down to the target folder.
To avoid such discrepancies, a warning message is displayed in cases where the path to the target folder is not visible to a team.
You can find detailed information on visibility in the folder structure in the following article: Visibilities on the folder structure
Extensions model viewer / BIM
The following enhancements and optimizations were made in the BIM and IFC models division:
Measure lines:
Lines can also be selected for measurements. This is easiest if the Snap option is active for the measurement.
This role can be very useful when measuring track axes, for example.
Optimized loading times:
The loading times for displaying and processing models have been optimized and accelerated.
Optimized navigation performance on Apple devices:
Performance when viewing, editing and navigating in the model has been optimized for macOS, IOS and iPadOS.
You can find detailed information on BIM, models and the model viewer in the following article: Open & edit models
Tip: Use middle mouse button
In many situations, you want to open content but not leave the current page. With the middle mouse button, all elements in buildagil can be opened in a new tab.
In principle, every element and every view can be opened in a new tab using the middle mouse button.
In the following example, all selected elements can be opened in a new tab. The same applies to other divisions and elements of buildagil.
Another role of the middle mouse button is to close tabs. If you click on an open element in the window navigation with the middle mouse button, it is closed directly.
News January 2024
Updated on: 09/12/2024