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News December 2022

Open folders and documents locally
Links in the folder structure
Optimizations and enhancements model viewer
New integrations for PDF programs

Open folders and documents locally

Open folder in OneDrive:
With the role Open in OneDrive a desired folder can be opened directly from buildagil via OneDrive in Explorer.

Open documents in local app:
With the Open in app role, all file formats from buildagil can be opened and edited directly with a locally installed program. This is very useful for CAD files, for example.

In the following example, a DWG file is opened:

You can find detailed information on opening folders and documents via OneDrive in the following article: Open documents & folders via OneDrive

Links to websites and local and server-side folders and documents can be created in the folder structure of buildagil via links.

The links then appear under the folders in the folder structure.

You can find detailed information on creating and opening shortcuts in the following article: Links in the folder structure

Optimizations and enhancements model viewer

Display of metadata / attributes:
The metadata of elements can be displayed in the model viewer. To display the object information, right-click on the desired element and then click on the information button.

With the Display properties on selection role, the object information is displayed directly when an element is selected.

Display options:
The display options Display edges and Display shadows can be used to change the display of the model. These two settings can be switched off to improve the performance of the model viewer.

Display of rooms (IfcSpace):
The IFC type "IfcSpace" stands for rooms in the model. These rooms can be displayed using the Display rooms role. The object information of the rooms can also be displayed.

Display older model versions:
An older model version can be viewed via the version history of a model. The older version can also be downloaded in this way.

For further information on the model viewer, please refer to the following article: Model viewer

New integrations for PDF programs

Adobe Acrobat for macOS:
The local editing of PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat is now also available on macOS.

How the connection to Adobe Acrobat can be used is described in the following article: PDF editing with Adobe Acrobat

Kofax Power PDF:
Kofax Power PDF provides a further connection option for PDF programs.

How the connection to Power PDF can be used is described in the following article: PDF editing with Power PDF

News October 2022

Updated on: 09/12/2024