News July 2024
Extension of the approval of minutes of meetings
Extensions for meetings
Extension of the BIM filter
Project-specific telephone number
Optimization of news articles
Direct granting of approval
The approval process for the meeting minutes can be skipped via "Give approval directly". The protocol then switches directly to the status "Approved" and no feedback from the participants is requested.
You can find detailed information on the protocol review process in the following article: Submit protocol for approval
Protocol approval in the mobile app
Meeting minutes can now also be approved in the mobile app.
Sending protocol inserts to external contacts
The sending of protocol enclosures to external contacts can be limited to enclosures from the current comments on the meeting.
Rework of the meeting minutes
The organizer can use Rework or Options to rework the meeting minutes at any time (even during the review process) and submit them to the approval process again.
Preparation comments are now also displayed in the post-processing of the protocol. This simplifies control, as all information is available at a glance.
Conclusion of the approval of the minutes
As soon as the approval process has been completed and the protocol has been rejected by one or more participants, the protocol switches to "Review" status. Here, the organizer can respond to feedback from the participants.
In the session overview, you can filter by the status "Under review" in the filter.
If a protocol is rejected, the organizer can skip the renewed approval process in rework by "Issue approval directly ".
You can find detailed information on the approval of protocols in the following article: Submit protocol for approval
Adjustment of visibility
The visibility of a meeting can now be adjusted at any time by the meeting organizer or a project administrator.
You can find detailed information on the topic of visibility of meetings in the following article: Authorizations & Visibilities
Session duration
The date selection has been optimized and it is now possible to determine the meeting/appointment duration.
You can find more information on creating meetings in the following article: Create meeting
Additional roles have been added to the filter in the BIM viewer.
All available attributes and values can be selected or entered via a drop-down menu.
Additional operators are also available. Each filter group can be activated or deactivated individually.
You can find detailed information on filtering models in the following article: Filter & search models
Project administrators can store a project-specific telephone number for users and contacts if the person has not entered their own number. This number remains until the person adds their own number.
You can find more information on creating and editing users and contacts in the following article: Create & edit users & external contacts
The process for creating news articles for projects has been revised and simplified.
You can find more information on creating news articles in the following article: News articles from projects
News May 2024
Extensions for meetings
Extension of the BIM filter
Project-specific telephone number
Optimization of news articles
Extension of the approval of minutes of meetings
Direct granting of approval
The approval process for the meeting minutes can be skipped via "Give approval directly". The protocol then switches directly to the status "Approved" and no feedback from the participants is requested.
You can find detailed information on the protocol review process in the following article: Submit protocol for approval
Protocol approval in the mobile app
Meeting minutes can now also be approved in the mobile app.
Sending protocol inserts to external contacts
The sending of protocol enclosures to external contacts can be limited to enclosures from the current comments on the meeting.
Rework of the meeting minutes
The organizer can use Rework or Options to rework the meeting minutes at any time (even during the review process) and submit them to the approval process again.
Preparation comments are now also displayed in the post-processing of the protocol. This simplifies control, as all information is available at a glance.
Conclusion of the approval of the minutes
As soon as the approval process has been completed and the protocol has been rejected by one or more participants, the protocol switches to "Review" status. Here, the organizer can respond to feedback from the participants.
In the session overview, you can filter by the status "Under review" in the filter.
If a protocol is rejected, the organizer can skip the renewed approval process in rework by "Issue approval directly ".
You can find detailed information on the approval of protocols in the following article: Submit protocol for approval
Extensions for meetings
Adjustment of visibility
The visibility of a meeting can now be adjusted at any time by the meeting organizer or a project administrator.
You can find detailed information on the topic of visibility of meetings in the following article: Authorizations & Visibilities
Session duration
The date selection has been optimized and it is now possible to determine the meeting/appointment duration.
You can find more information on creating meetings in the following article: Create meeting
Extension of the BIM filter
Additional roles have been added to the filter in the BIM viewer.
All available attributes and values can be selected or entered via a drop-down menu.
Additional operators are also available. Each filter group can be activated or deactivated individually.
You can find detailed information on filtering models in the following article: Filter & search models
Project-specific telephone number
Project administrators can store a project-specific telephone number for users and contacts if the person has not entered their own number. This number remains until the person adds their own number.
You can find more information on creating and editing users and contacts in the following article: Create & edit users & external contacts
Optimization of news articles
The process for creating news articles for projects has been revised and simplified.
You can find more information on creating news articles in the following article: News articles from projects
News May 2024
Updated on: 09/12/2024