Version check with QR code for PDF documents
The following article describes how PDF documents and plans with QR codes can be downloaded, plotted and sent. QR codes can be used to check whether the latest version of the document or plan is available. When scanning, it is displayed whether the version is up-to-date. If a new version is available on buildagil, this is displayed and the person has the option of opening the latest version of the plan directly if the person is authorized to access the project.
Directly to the following sections:
Download / print PDF with QR code
Send PDF with QR code to external parties
Plot PDF with QR code
Example QR code
Scan QR code with mobile device
Documents and plans can be downloaded or printed with QR codes as follows:
First open the desired PDF document. Then click on the arrow next to Download or Print to select the QR code role. The position of the QR code on the plan can be selected accordingly.

To download several PDF documents with QR code at the same time, select the desired documents and then click on ... Options / Download ....

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Download.

Documents and plans can be sent to external parties using a QR code as follows:
Open the desired PDF document and click on Send external.

Alternatively, select several PDF documents and click on ... Options / Send external.

Click on Advanced edit in the following window.

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Generate link and open e-mail.
To check the position of the QR code, click on Preview.

You can find detailed information on sending documents to external parties in the following article: Sending documents to external parties
Documents and plans can be plotted with a QR code as follows:
Open the desired PDF document and click on Plot.

Alternatively, select several PDF documents and click on ... Options / Send external.

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Send plot order.
To check the position of the QR code, click on Preview.

You can find detailed information on plotting documents in the following article: Plotting documents & plans

The camera of a smartphone or tablet can be used to scan a QR code.
Display for people without a mobile app:
After importing, you will be redirected to a website where you can see whether the plan is up to date. People with access to the project on buildagil can immediately open the current digital version of the document / plan here. People without access to buildagil cannot open the current version.
Example current version:

Example outdated version:

Display for people with the mobile app:
After reading in, the buildagil app opens automatically and one of the following messages is displayed.
The latest document can be opened directly via the Open document / Open current version button.
Example current version:

Example outdated version:

Directly to the following sections:
Download / print PDF with QR code
Send PDF with QR code to external parties
Plot PDF with QR code
Example QR code
Scan QR code with mobile device
Download / print PDF with QR code
Documents and plans can be downloaded or printed with QR codes as follows:
First open the desired PDF document. Then click on the arrow next to Download or Print to select the QR code role. The position of the QR code on the plan can be selected accordingly.

To download several PDF documents with QR code at the same time, select the desired documents and then click on ... Options / Download ....

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Download.

Send PDF with QR code to external parties
Documents and plans can be sent to external parties using a QR code as follows:
Open the desired PDF document and click on Send external.

Alternatively, select several PDF documents and click on ... Options / Send external.

Click on Advanced edit in the following window.

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Generate link and open e-mail.
To check the position of the QR code, click on Preview.

You can find detailed information on sending documents to external parties in the following article: Sending documents to external parties
Plot PDF with QR code
Documents and plans can be plotted with a QR code as follows:
Open the desired PDF document and click on Plot.

Alternatively, select several PDF documents and click on ... Options / Send external.

The following window will then open:
Select the desired position under QR code and click on Send plot order.
To check the position of the QR code, click on Preview.

You can find detailed information on plotting documents in the following article: Plotting documents & plans
Example QR code

Scan QR code with mobile device
The camera of a smartphone or tablet can be used to scan a QR code.
Display for people without a mobile app:
After importing, you will be redirected to a website where you can see whether the plan is up to date. People with access to the project on buildagil can immediately open the current digital version of the document / plan here. People without access to buildagil cannot open the current version.
Example current version:

Example outdated version:

Display for people with the mobile app:
After reading in, the buildagil app opens automatically and one of the following messages is displayed.
The latest document can be opened directly via the Open document / Open current version button.
Example current version:

Example outdated version:

Updated on: 09/12/2024