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PDF editing with PDF-XChange

The following article describes how to edit PDF documents with PDF-XChange.

How the connection between buildagil and PDF-XChange can be established is described in the following article: Connect local PDF programs

Directly to the following sections:
Editing with PDF-XChange
Recommended settings for PDF-XChange
Message for borrowed / checked out PDF documents
Troubleshooting PDF-XChange

Editing with PDF-XChange

Click the Edit in PDF app button to open the desired document in PDF-XChange.

The following message is then displayed in PDF-XChange:
Click on Enable editing to enable editing of the document.

The document can now be edited as required. When the document is saved, the changes are automatically synchronized to buildagil.
If the document is closed without saving, the following message appears.
Click Yes to save the changes.

Users who want to open a document that is being edited by someone else receive the following message.

In PDF-XChange there are some settings under File -> Settings that simplify the collaboration with buildagil.
We recommend that you make the settings as shown in the following image. These changes will automate the process described in the previous paragraph and you will not have to choose how you want to save the document each time you edit it.

SharePoint settings:

When working with signatures, you can set that signed documents are automatically stored as a new version on buildaigl.

Signature settings:

Message for borrowed / checked out PDF documents

Users who want to edit the borrowed / checked out document receive the following message in buildagil and cannot save the document.

In Onedrive, a lock symbol appears for borrowed documents.

Troubleshooting PDF-XChange

It may happen that the following error message appears when opening PDF documents with PDF-XChange and therefore no documents can be opened (wrong parameter):

This can be fixed by deleting existing connections with Sharepoint under File - Open. These connections prevent documents from being opened from buildagil.

After clicking on the cross, the following message appears. Click on Yes.

You should now be able to open PDF documents from within buildagil. If not, you are welcome to contact our support team.

Updated on: 15/11/2024