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PDF editing with Bluebeam

The following article describes how to edit PDF documents with Bluebeam.

How the connection between buildagil and Bluebeam can be established is described in the following article: Connect local PDF programs

Directly to the following sections:
Editing with Bluebeam
Message for borrowed / checked out PDF documents

Edit with Bluebeam

Click the Edit in PDF app button to open the desired document in Bluebeam.

To edit the document, it must first be checked out. To do this, click on the close symbol and then on check out.
Editing of the document by other users is blocked while the document is on loan.

When the edit of the document is completed, the document can be closed. The following message then appears, in which Check in must be clicked so that the document is saved on buildagil.

Users who want to edit a document that is already checked out receive the following message.

Message for borrowed / checked out PDF documents

Users who want to edit the borrowed / checked-out document receive the following message in buildagil and cannot save the document.

In Onedrive, a lock symbol appears for borrowed documents.

Updated on: 09/12/2024