Mobile app installation
The following article describes how to install the mobile app.
Systemanforderungen: System requirements mobile app
Directly to the following sections:
Buildagil App iOS
Buildagil App Android
The buildagil mobile app can be downloaded and installed via the Apple Store at the following link:
Buildagil App Apple Store
You can then log in with your Microsoft account (e-mail address & password). If you need help logging in, read the following article: How do I register with buildagil?
The buildagil mobile app can be downloaded and installed via the Google Play Store at the following link:
Buildagil App Google PlayStore
Systemanforderungen: System requirements mobile app
Directly to the following sections:
Buildagil App iOS
Buildagil App Android
buildagil App iOS
The buildagil mobile app can be downloaded and installed via the Apple Store at the following link:
Buildagil App Apple Store
You can then log in with your Microsoft account (e-mail address & password). If you need help logging in, read the following article: How do I register with buildagil?
buildagil App Android
The buildagil mobile app can be downloaded and installed via the Google Play Store at the following link:
Buildagil App Google PlayStore
Updated on: 09/12/2024