Articles on: Documents & plans
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Edit images

The following article describes how images can be edited on buildagil.

Directly to the following sections:
Edit images
Editing tools

Edit images

The following section describes how images can be edited directly in buildagil.
Click on Edit online or the "pencil icon" in the opened image.

Plan cut-outs can also be edited with the following editing tools. You can find further information on cut-outs in the following article: Create plan section

Editing tools

Moving the image/selecting elements and editing
When an element is selected, the following options are available:
Edit element style/delete element
The element can be moved and rotated using the snap points.

Under Style, there are various options for editing the appearance of the selected element (e.g. Color, thickness, opacity, symbols, text size, etc.).

Tip: If the style of an element is changed, the settings are saved and applied when the next element is drawn.


Markings/ highlighting (freehand)**

Rectangles and circles

Freehand drawing

Lines and arrows

Forward/ Back/ Erase

Create section
The section of the image is saved to the clipboard and can be inserted into a comment or description of a Task, Model task, plan section or Journal entry.

Updated on: 09/12/2024