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News August 2023

Extensions model viewer / BIM
Data analysis with Power BI

Extensions model viewer / BIM

Coloring of elements
Elements can be colored as desired. Models/submodels, objects, classes or individual elements can be selected and assigned the desired color.

Extensions measures
If the "Snap to" option is activated, corners and edges are automatically recognized when measurements are created.
By pressing the CTRL key, the latching function can be temporarily deactivated.

Dimension lines are saved when Views and BCF / model tasks are created and can thus be split or called up again later.

Dimension lines are displayed optimized in 3D if they are covered or cut.

Optimization of the object and view explorer
The object explorer has been given a new design to simplify the editing of models and model combinations.
Among other things, models can now be organized and renamed.

The same applies to the views, which can also be organized and renamed.

Multiple selection of elements:
If the CTRL key is pressed when selecting elements in the model or in the object explorer, several models/submodels, objects, classes or individual elements can be selected at the same time. The selected elements can then be isolated or colored, for example.

Links in model properties
Links in model properties / IFC attributes are recognized and can be clicked directly in the model viewer. This makes it possible, for example, to link a model element to a plan.

Optimized navigation
If you press the CTRL key while zooming in the model, you can navigate through the model more slowly and precisely.
Navigating the model with the WASDQE buttons has been simplified and optimized.

Advanced display options
Dynamic navigation optimization adjusts the display of the model to the performance of the device and ensures smooth navigation.
Overlay reduction can help to improve the display and avoid flickering in overlapping areas.
The option for colored transparency displays transparent objects in their original color.

You can find detailed information on the model viewer in the following article: Open & edit models

Display of 2D elements:
Thanks to the support of IFC annotations, 2D elements such as dimensions, texts, lines etc. Can be displayed in the 3D model.

Display of materials and textures
GLB models can now be displayed with textures.

Data analysis with Power BI

Using the Power BI interface, data from buildagil can be collected, analyzed, visualized and presented in meaningful reports and dashboards.
This interface allows elements such as tasks, users and documents to be retrieved from buildagil and processed further.

One example of this is the following project overview, which illustrates how a detailed evaluation of the project progress can look based on the tasks.

In addition, the Power BI interface allows data from several projects to be combined. This makes it possible, for example, to create a comprehensive overview of the tasks of all collaborators.

Detailed information and further examples of the Power BI interface can be found in the following article: Power BI Connector

News July 2023

Updated on: 09/12/2024