Create meeting
The following article describes how meetings are created. Directly to the following sections: Create a new meeting Send meeting date with Outlook Create follow-up appointment Create multiple follow-up appointments Procedure for recurring meetings Troubleshooting appointment invitations for the MFew readersPreparing for a meeting
The following article describes how meetings can be prepared, the agenda sent and participants informed. Directly to the following sections: Preparing agenda items and assigning tasks/topics Inform participants Preparing agenda items and transferring topics First, the desired meeting must be opened to start the preparation. ( readersExecution of a meeting
The following article describes how to execute a meeting with buildagil and how to edit the protocol during the meeting. Directly to the following sections: Attendance check Conduct of meetings Attendance check Before the meeting begins, the attendanceFew readersRework protocol
The following article describes how the rework of a meeting (taking minutes, sending minutes for approval) is carried out. Directly to the following sections: View and edit tasks and topics Submit protocol for approval Once the meetinFew readersApproval of minutes
The following article describes how a protocol can be reviewed and then approved or rejected. Directly to the following sections: Approval of minutes Additional information from the meeting organizer Protocol approval To approve a protocol, you can click on View & approve details in the meeting. The prFew readersProtocol templates
The following article describes how to create and edit your own automatic log templates. Directly to the following sections: Create and edit log templates Multiple minutes templates per meeting typeFew readersExport meetings as Excel
The following article describes how meetings can be exported / synchronized to an automatically updating Excel list, which can then be used for further processing. Directly to the following sections: Export meetings Export meetings Go to Meetings in the project. You can then use filters to set which meetings are to be exported. Only the visible meetings are included in the list after filtering. Once the filters have been set, click on the Export icon. (hFew readersVisibilities on meetings & protocols
Customization of visibility on meetings & protocols | Visibility on meetings & protocolsFew readers