Articles on: Controls & inspections
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Create controls & inspections

The following article describes how controls and inspections can be created.

Directly to the following sections:
What are controls & inspections?
Create controls & inspections
Send appointment

What are controls & inspections?

Controls and inspections offer the possibility of preparing a structured building inspection and acceptance of work with various control points and executing them according to the prepared procedure.

Create controls & inspections

To create a new control / inspection, click on + New under Controls & inspections.

Add the following information and then click on Save:
Date, time and duration
4th location
Organizer (can edit and add to the protocol)
Additional editors (same rights as the organizer)
7th participant
Excused persons
Additional distribution list (external persons who are to receive the protocol)

Controls and inspections can also be loaded from a template. This is described in more detail in the following article: Acceptance templates

Send appointment

When the inspection has been created and Save is clicked, the following message appears:
Click on Send and link appointment to generate an appointment for inspection / control.

Alternatively, you can click on ... and then on Send and link appointment to generate the appointment.

The following window then appears with two options for sending the appointment.
Select an option and click on Send appointment.

Send via Outlook Online:
If Send via Outlook Online is selected, Outlook opens online, the appointment is displayed and can be sent.

Send via Outlook / calendar program:
If Send via Outlook / calendar program is selected, the appointment is downloaded as an ics file and can be opened and sent in Outlook.

In the following article you will learn how to prepare and carry out controls & inspections: Preparation and execution of controls & inspections

Journal entry, inspection, review, control, acceptance

Updated on: 09/12/2024