Approve controls & inspections
The following article describes how controls and inspections can be approved and the protocol sent.
Directly to the following sections:
Send and approve protocol
Export control / acceptance report
The acceptance report can be sent for approval after execution and rework.
After execution and rework of the inspection, the protocol can be sent for approval. This starts the approval process.
The first step in the inspection is to click on Send for approval.

A selection then appears in which you can choose whether the approval should be executed with or without a signature.

The preview of the protocol now appears, in which the following roles are available:
Generate protocol again (select whether with or without signature)
Open and edit the protocol in Word
Update preview
Adjustment of the approval period
Grant approval directly
Once everything has been prepared and set, the protocol can be sent to the participants and excused persons for approval via Send.
You can find an example of what an acceptance report might look like in the following section: Control / acceptance protocol.

Click on Send.

After dispatch, all participants and excused persons will receive the following e-mail for approval of the protocol.
Only participants and excused persons receive the e-mail for approval of the protocol. Once the approval process is completed, the approved protocol can be sent to all participants.

The window that opens after clicking on the link in the email allows you to approve or reject the protocol with an optional comment. This also applies to external contacts without direct access to buildagil, who receive the email for approval and can approve or reject the protocol via the link in the email.
As long as the approval period is running, participants have the opportunity to change their comments and switch between approved and rejected.

To check the progress of the approval, you can click on Show details in the inspection.

An overview of all feedback on the protocol appears in this window.

If the protocol was created with signatures, the digital signatures of the persons who have approved the protocol are now displayed in the protocol.

Completion of the approval:
There are several ways in which the approval process can end.
If all participants and excused persons have approved the protocol, the status of the inspection automatically changes to approved.

If not all participants and excused persons have approved the protocol, the status changes to Review. People who have already given their approval can no longer change their feedback. The protocol is marked as approved in review status as soon as either all pending feedback has been received and all participants accept the protocol or the organizer manually approves the protocol. To manually grant approval as the organizer, click on Grant approval under Options.

If one of the participants or excused persons rejects the protocol, the status automatically changes to Review after the approval period has expired. The organizer can now decide whether to grant approval or cancel the approval, adjust the approval protocol and restart the approval process.
During the approval process, the organizer has the option to cancel the approval. This makes it possible to make any corrections to the protocol and distribute the revised protocol again for approval. To do this, the organizer can click on Cancel approval under Options.

After the protocol has been approved, the organizer can send the approved protocol including signatures via Send final protocol to all participants, excused persons and the distribution list for information.

As an alternative to sending the protocol with approval process, the protocol can also be generated and downloaded as a Word file.
To do this, click on Export protocol in the desired inspection.

For adjustments to the protocol template, please contact buildagil support.

Journal entry, inspection, review, control, acceptance
Directly to the following sections:
Send and approve protocol
Export control / acceptance report
Send and approve protocol
The acceptance report can be sent for approval after execution and rework.
After execution and rework of the inspection, the protocol can be sent for approval. This starts the approval process.
The first step in the inspection is to click on Send for approval.

A selection then appears in which you can choose whether the approval should be executed with or without a signature.

The preview of the protocol now appears, in which the following roles are available:
Generate protocol again (select whether with or without signature)
Open and edit the protocol in Word
Update preview
Adjustment of the approval period
Grant approval directly
Once everything has been prepared and set, the protocol can be sent to the participants and excused persons for approval via Send.
You can find an example of what an acceptance report might look like in the following section: Control / acceptance protocol.

Click on Send.

After dispatch, all participants and excused persons will receive the following e-mail for approval of the protocol.
Only participants and excused persons receive the e-mail for approval of the protocol. Once the approval process is completed, the approved protocol can be sent to all participants.

The window that opens after clicking on the link in the email allows you to approve or reject the protocol with an optional comment. This also applies to external contacts without direct access to buildagil, who receive the email for approval and can approve or reject the protocol via the link in the email.
As long as the approval period is running, participants have the opportunity to change their comments and switch between approved and rejected.

To check the progress of the approval, you can click on Show details in the inspection.

An overview of all feedback on the protocol appears in this window.

If the protocol was created with signatures, the digital signatures of the persons who have approved the protocol are now displayed in the protocol.

Completion of the approval:
There are several ways in which the approval process can end.
If all participants and excused persons have approved the protocol, the status of the inspection automatically changes to approved.

If not all participants and excused persons have approved the protocol, the status changes to Review. People who have already given their approval can no longer change their feedback. The protocol is marked as approved in review status as soon as either all pending feedback has been received and all participants accept the protocol or the organizer manually approves the protocol. To manually grant approval as the organizer, click on Grant approval under Options.

If one of the participants or excused persons rejects the protocol, the status automatically changes to Review after the approval period has expired. The organizer can now decide whether to grant approval or cancel the approval, adjust the approval protocol and restart the approval process.
During the approval process, the organizer has the option to cancel the approval. This makes it possible to make any corrections to the protocol and distribute the revised protocol again for approval. To do this, the organizer can click on Cancel approval under Options.

After the protocol has been approved, the organizer can send the approved protocol including signatures via Send final protocol to all participants, excused persons and the distribution list for information.

Export control / acceptance report
As an alternative to sending the protocol with approval process, the protocol can also be generated and downloaded as a Word file.
To do this, click on Export protocol in the desired inspection.

For adjustments to the protocol template, please contact buildagil support.

Journal entry, inspection, review, control, acceptance
Updated on: 09/12/2024