Search & filter
The following article describes how and where the search is available and how to use the filter function.
Directly to the following sections:
Search in higher-level navigation
Search directly in the project
Filter function
The search function is always available in the higher-level navigation.
_Tip: The search results also show keywords in documents.
Cross-project search:
Search for a keyword - in this example, the name "Herbert Mauerer" is searched for.
Tasks & topics, documents, folders, contacts and meetings are displayed in the search results.
The search results are filtered/sorted by relevance or modification date.
Contacts can be called directly if a telephone number is stored.

Internal project search:
To search specifically for content in a project, the desired project can be selected via Select project.
Only search results from this project are then displayed.
Via All projects the search is extended to all projects.

Advanced search:
Via Show all results all search results of e.g. Tasks, documents etc. Can be displayed.

The Sort icon can be used to switch between Relevance and Changed. If "Relevance" is selected, the elements with the highest relevance for the user are displayed at the top. If "Changed" is selected, the elements that were last changed are always displayed.

You can search directly within a division in the desired project. The search works in exactly the same way in all divisions.
Example: Search in the document storage using the search field in the menu bar. The results are displayed directly in the document storage.
The sort icon can be used to sort by "Name", "Changed" or "Created", for example.
To simplify the search, filter criteria can be set in addition to the search term via Filter.

In the search bar, you can also set whether to search by name only or by name, metadata and content. All information is searched by default.

For example, the search criteria can be extended from "All tasks" to "All" via Extend search to all elements. In this example, information, decisions and topics are then also searched.

In all divisions, views can be filtered according to certain criteria.
Menu bar
Select view
Set sorting
Filtering according to criteria

Apply filter
Filters can be set according to various criteria via Filter. Filters can be combined.

Filter with "checkboxes":
When selecting with "checkboxes", the filters are applied as soon as the checkmark is activated for a criterion.
If it is possible to combine the filters of the same criterion, as is the case with the categories, for example, only the results that meet all the selected criteria are displayed by default. The Or-Link button can be used to display all results that fulfill at least one of the criteria.

Filter with timeline:
The timeline can be used to limit a date range. The desired day in the calendar can be selected via the date selection or a dynamic restriction (e.g. Last 7 days) can be set. If a restriction is selected, the date of the filter is automatically adjusted. For example, the last 7 days are always displayed, regardless of which day you open the filter view. In combination with the favorites, helpful views can be compiled in this way.

Directly to the following sections:
Search in higher-level navigation
Search directly in the project
Filter function
Search in higher-level navigation
The search function is always available in the higher-level navigation.
_Tip: The search results also show keywords in documents.
Cross-project search:
Search for a keyword - in this example, the name "Herbert Mauerer" is searched for.
Tasks & topics, documents, folders, contacts and meetings are displayed in the search results.
The search results are filtered/sorted by relevance or modification date.
Contacts can be called directly if a telephone number is stored.

Internal project search:
To search specifically for content in a project, the desired project can be selected via Select project.
Only search results from this project are then displayed.
Via All projects the search is extended to all projects.

Advanced search:
Via Show all results all search results of e.g. Tasks, documents etc. Can be displayed.

The Sort icon can be used to switch between Relevance and Changed. If "Relevance" is selected, the elements with the highest relevance for the user are displayed at the top. If "Changed" is selected, the elements that were last changed are always displayed.

Search directly in the project
You can search directly within a division in the desired project. The search works in exactly the same way in all divisions.
Example: Search in the document storage using the search field in the menu bar. The results are displayed directly in the document storage.
The sort icon can be used to sort by "Name", "Changed" or "Created", for example.
To simplify the search, filter criteria can be set in addition to the search term via Filter.

In the search bar, you can also set whether to search by name only or by name, metadata and content. All information is searched by default.

For example, the search criteria can be extended from "All tasks" to "All" via Extend search to all elements. In this example, information, decisions and topics are then also searched.

Filter function
In all divisions, views can be filtered according to certain criteria.
Menu bar
Select view
Set sorting
Filtering according to criteria

Apply filter
Filters can be set according to various criteria via Filter. Filters can be combined.

Filter with "checkboxes":
When selecting with "checkboxes", the filters are applied as soon as the checkmark is activated for a criterion.
If it is possible to combine the filters of the same criterion, as is the case with the categories, for example, only the results that meet all the selected criteria are displayed by default. The Or-Link button can be used to display all results that fulfill at least one of the criteria.

Filter with timeline:
The timeline can be used to limit a date range. The desired day in the calendar can be selected via the date selection or a dynamic restriction (e.g. Last 7 days) can be set. If a restriction is selected, the date of the filter is automatically adjusted. For example, the last 7 days are always displayed, regardless of which day you open the filter view. In combination with the favorites, helpful views can be compiled in this way.

Updated on: 09/12/2024