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Tabs Desktop App

The following article describes how to activate and use the tabs in the desktop app.

Tabs in the desktop app work in the same way as in the browser and allow you to have several windows open at the same time.

Directly to the following sections:
Activate tabs
Use of tabs

Activate tabs

To activate the tabs and thus open several windows and projects at the same time, proceed as follows:

Edge and Chrome Browser:
Copy the following link into the search bar of the browser and then set the selection to Enabled under Desktop PWA tab strips.


Use of tabs

When the desktop app is opened, the home page is displayed. The home page always remains open and can be opened by clicking on the buildagil logo.
As soon as a new project is opened, a new tab appears.

To open a new tab, click on the + symbol. The project selection then appears, which can be used to open another project.

Another way to open a new tab is to click on Open in new tab in tasks, documents, etc.

Alternatively, you can click on a project or content (documents, tasks, etc.) with the middle mouse button / mouse wheel, which will open a new tab with the selected content.

Tab, tab page

Updated on: 09/12/2024