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Revizto model exchange

This article describes how models & documents can be exchanged with Revizto.

Set up model exchange

It is possible to exchange documents between buildagil and Revizto.
To do this, click on Add new integration under Docs in Revizto.

Now select Connect project under Microsoft SharePoint.

To get the SharePoint link, the desired buildagil project can be opened in the browser.
Copy the link there up to the project number.

Paste the copied link under Page address and click on Continue.

The registration window will then open, log in with your registration data. Details on how to log in at: Registration / Login

The next step is to select the Documents. Then click on Connect project.

The project is now connected. The documents can now be displayed and edited in Revizto.

Users who do not have access to the buildagil project can see the connection to SharePoint, but do not have access to the documents. To give these users access, they must be added to the project and authorized accordingly. Further information can be found in the following article: Visibilities on the folder structure

If new documents are uploaded to buildagil, the Refresh button can be used to reload the files.
When new documents are uploaded to buildagil, the changes can be updated using the Update button.

Synchronization Revizto,

Updated on: 09/12/2024