Articles on: Meetings & protocols
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Preparing for a meeting

The following article describes how meetings can be prepared, the agenda sent and participants informed.

Directly to the following sections:
Preparing agenda items and assigning tasks/topics
Inform participants

Preparing agenda items and transferring topics

First, the desired meeting must be opened to start the preparation.

Transfer tasks/topics
To open the window with the existing topics, click on Tasks/ Transfer topics.

The tasks & topics can be filtered using the left-hand column and the filter function and searched using the search function.
All tasks & topics from the last meeting (only for a follow-up meeting: Create meeting )
Tasks & topics from other meetings
Groupings (tasks, information, decisions, topics, journal entries)
Search function
Filter function
The tasks & topics can be easily transferred to the meeting by clicking on the arrow symbol. Click on Done to transfer all tasks/topics to the meeting.

It is possible to filter for tasks & topics from other meetings when preparing for a meeting. The filter can be extended to other meetings by clicking on the filter icon.

Create new tasks/topics
All tasks and topics are now visible under the most recently transferred agenda items. New Pending types can be created directly under the desired agenda item using the + symbol. The tasks/topics can be moved across agenda items using drag & drop.

Activate meeting progress and scheduling
Select whether you only want to activate the meeting progress or the meeting progress with scheduling.
If the meeting progress with scheduling is activated, assign a time to the agenda items. The assignment works by clicking on the clock symbol .

Create comments for preparation
Comments can be created for preparation.

Remove tasks and topics from the meeting
There are two different ways to remove a task from the meeting:

By clicking on the X symbol (remove from meeting)

By opening the desired task and clicking on the "..." under "Coordination".

Inform participants

Once all tasks and topics have been transferred and edited, the agenda (provisional protocol) can be sent to the participants by clicking on Inform participants. The agenda will now be generated, which may take a few seconds. This protocol can then be sent to the participants with the information about the meeting preparation.

Open agenda
The agenda is opened in read mode as a PDF, and there is also the option to edit the protocol in Word.

Send agenda & inform participants
To send the agenda, click on Send. The agenda will now be sent to all participants. The option "Send enclosures to external parties" only appears if an external contact is also among the participants/on the distribution list.

Generate new agenda
If a task has been added or changed after the agenda has been generated, it is possible to generate it again. This is possible by clicking on Inform participants again.

Meetings, agenda items

Updated on: 09/12/2024