Articles on: Project
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Power BI Connector

The following article describes how your connection from buildagil to Microsoft Power BI can be established. With the Power BI Connector, data from buildagil can be collected, analyzed, visualized and displayed in meaningful reports and dashboards.

Directly to the following sections:
Establishing a connection to Power BI
Importing data into Power BI
Share & embed Power BI
Power BI examples

Establish connection to Power BI

Download the Power BI Connector for buildagil via the following link:

Download Power BI Connector

Copy the buildagil PowerBI Connector.mez file to the following directory: Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors
If the path does not already exist, it can be created manually.

Start Power BI Desktop ( Download Power BI Desktop)

Under File / Options and settings click on Options.

Under Security, select Load all extensions without verification or warning.

Close Power BI Desktop and restart it.

Click on Retrieve data on the start screen.

Using the search field, select buildagil and click on connect.

Enter the following URL and click on OK.

When you connect for the first time, click on Sign in and log in with the corresponding Microsoft account.

Import data into Power BI

The following section describes how data from buildagil can be queried and displayed in Power BI.

As an example, the data of all tasks of a project are queried.
The link for the "GET" request for "Topics" from the API documentation can be used for this.

The API for the Power BI Connector is described under the following link.

The project ID required to query the data can be copied from the URL of the project.

The URL including the project ID can then be inserted in the Power Query Editor.

The retrieved data can now be converted into a table.

You can now select the desired columns to be displayed.

The data for all tasks in the selected project is then displayed in the table and can be edited from here.

The data imported into Power BI can be updated with the new data from buildagil at any time.
Changes and rules are automatically applied to new and changed data.
To update the data, click on Update preview.

For more information on how data can be edited, assigned rules and displayed in charts, please refer to the Power BI help. If you have any questions on the topic of Power BI, please contact buildagil support.

Microsoft Power BI Documentation:

Share & embed Power BI

Power BI evaluations / project overviews can be released and then embedded in buildagil.

To release the evaluation in Power BI, click on Start and then on Publish.

Then open the evaluation in Power BI online and click on Website or portal under File / Embedded report.

Copy the first link and then open buildagil.

In buildagil open the Project settings, open the menu item Navigation and insert the link as a new entry.
The "Embedded" field must be set to "True".

Example of embedded project evaluation:

Power BI examples

Project overview
In the following example, the data of all tasks and users of a project were used to create a comprehensive representation of the project's progress. This presentation is structured according to the companies involved in order to provide a clear overview.

If you would like to apply the following example to your own project, please contact buildagil support.

By clicking on or applying filters to a specific company, the detailed information on the company's open and completed tasks is displayed in this scenario.

As an additional example to the previous one, the tasks are listed by user and filtered by company on the following page.

Company overview
In the following example, the data of all projects of a company were merged and filtered according to the company's own employees in order to obtain an overview of the current tasks of the employees.

In addition, a page has been created showing the progress of the company's individual projects.

Power BI interface, data evaluation, tables, project progress,


If the following troubleshooting does not lead to success, you are welcome to contact support.

If the Custom Connector does not appear in the selection of data sources, the following procedure may help.
The connector should be saved in the following directory:

C:\Users\username\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\buildagil PowerBI Connector.mez

The file must be recognized as a CET file type.

If the connector is not found, these alternative paths can also be tried:

C:\Users\username\OneDrive\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors

C:\Users\username\OneDrive - XXXX\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors

In some cases, the folder name "Power BI Desktop" can also be "Microsoft Power BI Desktop".

Updated on: 21/02/2025