Filter & search models
The following article describes how models can be filtered and searched.
Directly to the following sections:
Filter model elements
Search model elements
The filter function can be used to filter models by elements and properties / IFC attributes. Different filter views can be compiled using the filter settings. Several attributes can be filtered at the same time and the filters can be combined to display all ventilation elements of a model, for example. The filter settings can be saved in Views or Model cut-outs. If new elements are added to the model, the views with the filter options are also added dynamically.
Click on the Filter icon to open the filter.
In the first step, the desired property is selected via a drop-down menu in the Select properties field.
If several filters are applied to an element, the filters higher up in the list take priority.
The following operators can then be selected in the filter options and the desired values entered:
= (equal to)
!= (unequal)
∼ (contains)
!∼ (does not contain)
> (greater than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
< (smaller than)
<= (less than or equal to)
O (is defined)
- (is not defined)
In a model, several filters can be combined into a group to determine which elements are to be displayed. Filter groups can be recognized by the hyphen. Several of these filter groups can be used simultaneously. Each filter group works on its own: Within a group, all conditions must apply simultaneously (logical AND), while at least one condition must apply between the groups (logical OR). A filter group can be activated or deactivated using the Activate/ Deactivate slider.
The Visibilities and Color of the filtered model elements can be adjusted via the Eye and color palette icon.
The Visibilities and Colors for the non-filtered model elements can be set via the Visibilities menu. Non-filtered elements are hidden by default.
The search function can be used to search for elements and properties in the model. The element selected in the search is highlighted in the model structure.
Detailed information on the topic of displaying metadata and editing models, objects and types can be found here: Display of metadata/ IFC attributes
Editing models, objects and types
BIM, IFC, filter views, IFC attribute,
Directly to the following sections:
Filter model elements
Search model elements
Filter model elements
The filter function can be used to filter models by elements and properties / IFC attributes. Different filter views can be compiled using the filter settings. Several attributes can be filtered at the same time and the filters can be combined to display all ventilation elements of a model, for example. The filter settings can be saved in Views or Model cut-outs. If new elements are added to the model, the views with the filter options are also added dynamically.
Click on the Filter icon to open the filter.
In the first step, the desired property is selected via a drop-down menu in the Select properties field.
If several filters are applied to an element, the filters higher up in the list take priority.
The following operators can then be selected in the filter options and the desired values entered:
= (equal to)
!= (unequal)
∼ (contains)
!∼ (does not contain)
> (greater than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
< (smaller than)
<= (less than or equal to)
O (is defined)
- (is not defined)
In a model, several filters can be combined into a group to determine which elements are to be displayed. Filter groups can be recognized by the hyphen. Several of these filter groups can be used simultaneously. Each filter group works on its own: Within a group, all conditions must apply simultaneously (logical AND), while at least one condition must apply between the groups (logical OR). A filter group can be activated or deactivated using the Activate/ Deactivate slider.
The Visibilities and Color of the filtered model elements can be adjusted via the Eye and color palette icon.
The Visibilities and Colors for the non-filtered model elements can be set via the Visibilities menu. Non-filtered elements are hidden by default.
Search model elements
The search function can be used to search for elements and properties in the model. The element selected in the search is highlighted in the model structure.
Detailed information on the topic of displaying metadata and editing models, objects and types can be found here: Display of metadata/ IFC attributes
Editing models, objects and types
BIM, IFC, filter views, IFC attribute,
Updated on: 01/02/2025